This book would not have been possible without your help. With all your donations I have been able to focus on finishing this book. Your continuous support allows me to focus on improving this book even more.
Furthermore many of you have contributed and improved the instructions, fixed spelling mistakes and/or provided feedback on the content. Each of you has made this book better.
By providing this book free of charge, we can enable more people around the world to bake delicious sourdough bread at home.
Thank you very much for your support!
Big shout-out to all the initial supporters who helped launching this project:
Abu, Adam, Adele Schmitz, Agatha, Alanblue, Albert, Alicia, Amanda M., Amanor, Andail, Andreas Schmid, Andrzej Mitelski, Anna G., Anonnn, Anthony Atkinson, Aurore, Beatriz, Bee, Ben Davies, BigWullie, Blixikan, Blusie, Brigitta, Brockman, BTSkete, C Fazio, Cal Kotz, Case, Cédric Andrieu, Charlene Adkins, Chin Pui Ling, Chris DuBosq, Chris G, Chris Toph, Christiane B, Christine, Chrysanna, Colleen Guidone, Danieel, Daniel, David, Dee, Desiree S, DKitSeattle, Douglas Penna, Drey, Duivelsjong, Elaine Leung, Ellie, Ethan, François le Danois, Fredrik, Geoff, Guillermo, Hansandremanfredsson, Heather Currier, Hito, Ilsefa, Inma Mcleish, Jackie, Jacques Lucke, Jan Chrillesen, Jan-Pieter Van Den Wittenboer, Jane, Jc Bell, Jenny, Jessicat, Jimjo, John E Bergman, Jonathan, JorisBelmans, Jose Lausuch, Judith Roth, Julian, Justin Dybedahl, Jz, Kankiti, Kathy Goldstein, Kathy Word, Ken Miller, Kirill Sivy, Kuchengnom, Laurent Bouguetaïa, Leon, Lili1232000, Lise W, Lizabeth Kelly, Lou, Lukasz G, Manse, Marcel, Mariana Marianito, Marie, Marijke, Mark, Martin, Matthew Nowosiadly, Medea, Meghann, Melissa, Michaela Gáliková, Michaela, Mieke, Mimi, Moj Shar, Monicaks, Nancy Anne Martin, Nancy Keary, Nic Lecloux, Nick, Nirpf, Paaskus, Pascal H, Paul Will, Paula Jean Mckenney Valadez, Pauline Roberts (Capyboppy), Pitdepitis, Rachelle And Omar, Raptorrich, Rich, Rizthebread, Roijalbaker, Rori, Ruben August Fischer, Sander, Sandy, Sarah, Scooter, Scott Mattson, Sebastianklocke, Sharon Eicher, Shelleymierle, Sherik, Smirnov, Spencer, Strambinha, Sue, Sune, Susan, Sven, Tbonewilly, Thales Mello, Therealbruce, Tracy and Paul Will, Usliv, Vassil Dichev, Vladimir Smirnov, Voicu, Zika, Zoltan.